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  • LGBTQ+ 101: Understanding and Supporting Queer and Gender-Diverse Students

Course Title

LGBTQ+ 101: Understanding and Supporting Queer and Gender-Diverse Students

previously named:

LGBT-Who?! Knowing & Supporting Queer & Gender-Diverse Students

Course Number

ISCA 407

Course Overview

LGBTQ students often report feeling targeted, bullied, and harassed in their school environments. This can lead to negative outcomes such as increased risk of anxiety and depression, dips in academic performance, and internalized heterosexism/cissexism. Educators are often unsure how to support students with marginalized gender identities or orientations and policy writing in this area lacks specificity and understanding.

This course will help educators to better understand the experiences of LGBTQ students and to think critically about how their institution can create a long-term strategic plan to support this community.

Global Perspective & Identity Development Domain:

Standard A: Students will demonstrate the dispositions, knowledge, and skills needed in order to be culturally competent global citizens

Standard B: Students will examine the complexity of identity development and the impact identity has on relationships with others

Standard C: Students will advocate for a world where all identities are affirmed and validated

A.1. Supporting Student Development

A.10. Underserved and At-Risk Populations

e. Understand students have the right to be treated in a manner consistent with their gender identity and to be free from any form of discipline, harassment or discrimination based on their gender identity or gender expression.

A.11. Bullying, Harassment and Child Abuse

B-PF 6. Demonstrate understanding of the impact of cultural, social and environmental influences on student success and opportunities

B-SS 5. Consult to support student achievement and success

Intended Audience

School Counselors, Teachers, Administrators

Essential Questions

  • What language should I use when discussing the LGBTQ community?
  • What do LGBTQ students experience?
  • Where does individual, interpersonal, and institutional bias towards LGBTQ students and staff show up in my institution? 
  • How can I best support LGBTQ students?
  • What policies and protocols facilitate inclusion for LGBTQ students? 
  • What first steps can I take towards enhancing belonging for LGBTQ students?



Participants will have knowledge about:

Participants will be able to:

  • The language and terminology related to gender, sexuality, and orientation

  • The issues and challenges that LGBTQ-identifying students face in school environments

  • The Ways in which the LGBTQ community can experience bias on internal, interpersonal, and institutional levels

  • Common LGBTQ issues in schools such as coming out, trans inclusion in sports, uniforms, microaggressions, and more! 

  • Explore and reflect on their understanding of their own gender identity and orientation

  • Begin developing a strategic plan for implementing enhanced support structures for LGBTQ students

  • Feel more comfortable providing direct support to LGBTQ students

  • Identify interpersonal and institutional bias in their own institution

  • Further advocate for the needs of LGBTQ & Gender-Diverse students

About the Facilitator

Andrew McGeehan is an engaging, dynamic, and energetic trainer and consultant who is currently living and working in Singapore. Andrew owns and runs Trident Training & Consulting, an organization that focused on sexual misconduct & consent culture, diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice, and restorative practices in education.

Prior to opening his business, Andrew worked in higher education for 12 years, at various institutions in the USA and in Singapore. Andrew believes that each person can play an important role in making school environments safer, more welcoming, and more affirming for students and strives to provide educators the knowledge and skills to actualise that in their communities.

Dates and times of offerings

February 11 and 13, 2025 - 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM UTC

Contact hours

6 Hours

Time commitment between sessions


Required Resource(s)

Working Zoom & Internet Connection



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