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Do you have a product or service that supports the growth and wellbeing of students, the school counselor or school counseling programs? We invite supportive organizations to sponsor or exhibit at the ISCA Annual Conference in Manila, Phillippines. 

School counselors are essential to supporting students, parents and teaching staff; they are leaders in the development of social emotional (SEL) programming, and they support the mental health and emotional needs of all students. Now more than ever, school counselors need relevant professional learning, access to resources and a strong network to learn from and connect with. 

If you are looking to reach an audience of highly educated, professional, influential educators who are looking to learn and bring high quality tools and programs to their students and schools, then consider joining us.

Why be a Sponsor?  

We meet the needs of K-12 Counselors Overseas 

The International School Counselor Association has been providing professional learning, support and resources for school counselors since 2010. We host the only conference completely focused on developing the skills, enhancing best practices and networking opportunities for

Pre-K-12 international school counselors.

This year, at our annual conference, the overarching theme is "Unity in Diversity," with a central emphasis on SEL standards, mental health and inclusive practices.

If you have a product or service that supports students, the school counselor or school counseling programs this is your audience. If you are looking to grow fast and reach an audience that is of quality, highly educated, influential in schools and school programs, then consider joining us. 

Where do attendees come from?

We have designed our association and conferences to meet the needs of the K-12 school counselor. No other conference, or association, in the world, has this niche. Over the last few years we bring together more elementary, middle school and K-12 school counselors than any other international conference. We will have around 300 counselors at our Annual Conference from over 50 countries actively engaging in and seeking the best resources and ideas available to support students and their school community.

What are the opportunities to sponsor or exhibit?

Organization Members should contact us at info@iscainfo.com to request registration for being a sponsor or exhibitor! 

Ready to book?

If you are not a current ISCA Organization Member, here are the steps:

  • Schedule a call with Cheryl Brown via her calendly: Schedule a meeting with Cheryl .

  • The Organization Membership Benefit Sheet will be reviewed with you during your meeting with Cheryl.

  • After the initial call, if you want to move forward in the process, we will send you the Organization Membership Application form to complete.

  • After application approval, a payment invoice will be sent to you for the annual Organization Membership.

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